
The milestone of coffee defenders action

Seedling supply and plantation in Lambari, Brazil.

2 minutes

During the last weeks we moved our very first steps of our 2021 commitment, as Coffee Defenders, kicking off the reforestation task, at the hearth of Mata Atlântica biome, in the municipality of Lambari (Minas Gerais). 

Despite the challenge of intense rains, between December and January, thanks to the prompt support of HRNS do Brasil, we have been able to supply 2,312 seedlings, that have been already planted in 79 rural properties. 1,734 of these plants are native trees and 578 are fruit trees. 

Fruit trees are going to be key tools for orchard formation or for intercalation with coffee cultivation. The main objective is to offer sources of production diversification to improve food security or family income sources. Trees of native species will be precious for the conservation of existing springs in the farms of the producers and the permanent protection of river areas.

During the next weeks we are going to strengthen our support to local communities with the supply and planting of further trees and improved coffee seedlings. Though the incorporation of trees, native and fruit, into the coffee production system we aim to protect and stabilize local biodiversity for the benefit of the whole agroecosystem.

The planting phase will be followed by specific trainings for local producers on tree management (pruning, fertilization, ant control and other fundamental agronomical practices) to ensure the successful impact of our actions. 

This first delivery and planting moment marks the beginning of Coffee Defenders community action: a concrete support to increase the resilience to climate change effect, that is, often and unfortunately, directly correlated with productivity and quality decrease of coffee production.

In Lambari, we work day-by-day to concretely impact on SDGs 13,15 and 2 protecting natural resources like soil, water and biodiversity, increasing the resilience to climate change effects, and thank to the intercropping activities, allowing coffee farmers to diversify their income.

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